Thursday, June 14, 2012

Another educated middle-aged white man jumps from the USS GOP

They're slow on the uptake (most of us are), but having been in the belly of the beast of what the  Republican party has become, these folks have on-the-ground observations.

"As a local GOP official after President Obama’s election, I had a front-row seat as it became infected by a dangerous and virulent form of political rabies. In the grip of this contagion, the Republican Party has come unhinged. Its fevered hallucinations involve threats from imaginary communists and socialists who, seemingly, lurk around every corner. Climate change- a reality recognized by every single significant scientific body and academy in the world- is a liberal conspiracy conjured up by Al Gore and other leftists who want to destroy America. Large numbers of Republicans- the notorious birthers- believe that the President was not born in the United States. Even worse, few figures in the GOP have the courage to confront them."

Note: Abraham Lincoln preserved the Union in every sense of the term. He was our greatest president. And a Republican.

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